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Diamond Sorter


Автор темы
14 Июн 2023


Copy Output:

This function allows users to copy the content from the output text widget to the clipboard, making it easy to share or use the output elsewhere.

Remove After Space:
This function removes all content after the first space in each line of the input text widget. It helps to extract specific information or remove unnecessary data.

Remove Ending Punctuation:
This function removes the ending punctuation from each line in the input text widget. It ensures that the lines are clean and consistent by removing any trailing punctuation marks.

Remove Domains:
This function removes domains from each line in the input text widget. It helps to extract only the desired information and remove any website or domain references.

Remove Duplicates:
This function removes duplicate lines from the input text widget and displays the unique lines in the output text widget. It helps to clean up the data and eliminate redundancy.

Extract MD5:
This function extracts MD5 hashes from the input text widget. It searches for strings that match the MD5 hash pattern and displays the extracted hashes in the output text widget.

Organize Lines:
This function provides multiple sorting options for the lines in the input text widget. Users can choose options like sorting in alphabetical order (AZ or ZA), sorting based on length, or randomizing the lines.

Split by Lines:
This function splits the content in the input text widget into separate text files based on the user-defined number of lines per split. It helps to organize and manage large amounts of text data more effectively.

Combine Files:
This function combines all text files from a specified directory and saves the combined content to a single file. It also removes duplicate lines to ensure a clean and unique output.

Save Output:
This function allows users to save the content of the output text widget to a file with a user-defined name. It provides an easy way to store and archive the processed text data.

This function removes empty lines and leading/trailing whitespace from the text in the input text widget.

Remove Captures:
This function removes captures (text enclosed in parentheses) from each line in the input text widget.

Split by lines:
This function splits the content in the input text widget into multiple files, with a specified number of lines per file. The files are saved in a specified directory.

Start Sorting:
This function is a placeholder for the functionality of the "Start Sorting" button in the "General Combo Options" tab.

Password Sorting:
This function is a placeholder for the functionality of the "Start Sorting" button in the "Password Log Formats" tab.Email Password: This function is a placeholder for the functionality of the "Email:Password" button.

Username Password:
This function is a placeholder for the functionality of the "Username:Password" button.

Create Userlist:
This function creates a list of valuesbefore the specified value in the input text widget.

Create Numberlist:
This function creates a list of number values (phone numbers) from the input text widget.

Create Passwordlist:
This function creates a list of values after the specified value in the input text widget.

Copy from Output:
This function copies the content from the output text widget to the clipboard
extract by search :
This function prompts the user to enter a search term. It then searches for lines in the input text widget that contain the search term (case-insensitive) and saves the matching lines to a file. The function also updates the output text widget with the cleaned lines and updates the line count

extract 32 chars after colon :
This function extracts lines from the input text widget where the content after the colon is exactly 32 characters long. It saves the matching lines to a file, updates the output text widget with the cleaned lines, and updates the line count
show domain statistics:
This function calculates domain statistics based on the lines in the input text widget. It counts the number of lines with the text "Saved Path:" (case-insensitive), extracts domains from the lines, and calculates the count of each domain. It then displays the domain statistics in the output text widget, including the count of "Saved Path:" lines and the percentage of each domain.

filter colon lines :
This function filters the lines in the input text widget to keep only the lines that contain a colon and have 5 to 28 characters after the colon. It updates the output text widget with the filtered lines and updates the line count.

remove after space :
This function removes anything on each line after the first detected space. It updates the output text widget with the cleaned lines.

organize lines:
This function sorts the lines from the input text widget based on the user's chosen option (AZ, ZA, 0-9, shortest to longest, longest to shortest, or randomize lines). It updates the output text widget with the sorted lines.

split by lines :
This function splits the content from the input text widget into multiple files, with a user-defined number of lines per file. It saves the files to a specified directory and updates the line count.

combine files:
This function combines the text files from the "toCombine" directory into a single file named "combined.txt". It removes duplicate lines from the combined file and updates the output text widget with the cleaned lines.

This function cleans up the lines in the input text widget. It removes empty lines, lines with "UNKNOWN", lines with "****", lines with "USER", lines starting with ":" and lines ending with ":". It updates the output text widget with the cleaned lines and updates the line count.

update line count :
This function updates the line count in the UI. It counts the lines in the input text and output text widgets and updates the corresponding line count labels

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