!function() { "use strict"; var t, e, s, i, o, a, n, r, l, h, d, c; t = window.jQuery, e = window, s = document, t.fn.outerHeightSum ??= function() { let e = 0; return this.each(function() { e += t(this).outerHeight() }), e } , t.fn.rtc ??= function(e) { let s = this.closest(".real-time-chat"); if (!s.length) { let i = this.closest("[data-rtc-id]"); i.length && (s = t(`#${i.data("rtc-id")}`)) } if (!s.length && this.closest(".overlay").length) { let o = XF.LocalStorage.get("rtc.overlayLatestId"); o && (s = t(`#${o}`)) } return e && (s = XF.Element.getHandler(s, "chat")), s } , t.fn.isInScrollableViewport ??= function(t) { let e = this.get(0).getBoundingClientRect() , s = t.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); return e.top >= s.top && e.bottom <= s.bottom && e.left >= s.left && e.right <= s.right } , t.fn.saveScrollPositionOnResize = function(t) { if (!this.length) return; if (this[0].scrollSaver) return this[0].scrollSaver; t = t || this.closest(".js-scrollable"); let e = this.outerHeight() , s = new ResizeObserver(()=>{ let s = this.outerHeight() , i = s - e; i < 0 || (i = Math.round(i), t.scrollTop(t.scrollTop() + i)), e = s } ); return s.observe(this[0]), this[0].scrollSaver = s, this[0].scrollSaver } , t.fn.onRemoved = function(t) { let e = this.attr("id") || this.xfUniqueId(); if (!t) return this[0].onRemovedObserver || null; let i = new MutationObserver(o=>{ o.forEach(o=>{ if (!o.removedNodes.length) return; let a = o.removedNodes[0]; s.body.contains(a) || (a.id === e || a.contains(this.get(0))) && (t(a), i.disconnect(), this[0].onRemovedObserver = null) } ) } ); return i.observe(s.body, { subtree: !0, childList: !0 }), this[0].onRemovedObserver = i, this[0].onRemovedObserver } , t.fn.sortByDataAttr = function(e, s, i) { let o = t(this) , a = o.find(e); return a.sort((e,o)=>{ let a = t(e).data(s) , n = t(o).data(s); return a === n ? 0 : a > n ? "desc" === i ? -1 : 1 : "desc" === i ? 1 : -1 } ), a.detach(), o.append(a), o } , t.fn.toggleContainerWrapper = function(t) { return void 0 === t && (t = !this.hasClass("is-active")), t === this.hasClass("is-active") || (t ? this.closest(".js-containerWrapper").xfFadeDown(XF.config.speed.fast, ()=>{ this.addClass("is-active") } ) : this.closest(".js-containerWrapper").xfFadeUp(XF.config.speed.fast, ()=>{ this.removeClass("is-active") } )), this } , t.fn.closeXfTooltips ??= function() { this.find('[data-xf-init*="tooltip"]').trigger("tooltip:hide") } , t.fn.clear ??= function() { let t = this.get(0); return t && t.querySelectorAll("input, textarea, select").forEach(t=>{ let e = t.type.toLowerCase(); "checkbox" === e || "radio" === e ? t.checked = !1 : "select-multiple" === e || "select-one" === e ? t.selectedIndex = -1 : t.value = "" } ), this } , t.throttle ??= function(t, e) { let s = null , i = 0; return function(...o) { let a = Date.now() , n = e - (a - i); n <= 0 || n > e ? (s && (clearTimeout(s), s = null), i = a, t.apply(this, o)) : s || (s = setTimeout(()=>{ i = Date.now(), s = null, t.apply(this, o) } , n)) } } , t.throttleByKey ??= function(t, e) { let s = new Map; return function(...i) { let o = JSON.stringify(i); s.has(o) || (s.set(o, !0), t.apply(this, i), setTimeout(()=>{ s.delete(o) } , e)) } } , t.debounceByKey ??= function(t, e) { let s = {}; return function(i) { s[i] && clearTimeout(s[i]), s[i] = setTimeout(()=>{ t.apply(this, arguments), s[i] = null } , e) } } , t.deepEquals ??= function(e, s) { let i = Object.keys(e) , o = Object.keys(s); if (i.length !== o.length) return !1; for (let a of i) if ("object" == typeof e[a] && "object" == typeof s[a]) { if (!t.deepEquals(e[a], s[a])) return !1 } else if (e[a] !== s[a]) return !1; return !0 } , t.fn.draggable = function(i) { let o = t.extend({ container: this }, i) , a = t(o.container) , n = !1 , r = { x: 0, y: 0 }; function l(t) { n && c(t.pageX, t.pageY) } function h(t) { if (n) { let e = t.originalEvent.touches[0]; c(e.pageX, e.pageY) } } function d(e, i) { n = !0; let o = a.position(); r.x = e - o.left, r.y = i - o.top, t(s).on("mousemove.draggable", l), t(s).on("mouseup.draggable", m), t(s).on("touchmove.draggable", h), t(s).on("touchend.draggable", m) } function c(s, i) { let o = s - r.x , n = i - r.y , l = t(e).width() - a.outerWidth() , h = t(e).height() - a.outerHeight(); o = Math.max(0, Math.min(o, l)), n = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, h)); let d = { left: o, top: n, right: "unset", bottom: "unset" }; a.css(d), a.trigger("drag", [d]) } function m() { n = !1, t(s).off(".draggable") } return this.on("mousedown.draggable", function(t) { 3 !== t.which && 3 !== t.which && d(t.pageX, t.pageY) }), this.on("touchstart.draggable", function(t) { t.preventDefault(); let e = t.originalEvent.touches[0]; d(e.pageX, e.pageY) }), t(e).on("blur", m), this } , t.fn.findClosestElement = function(e, s) { let i = t() , o = 1 / 0; return this.each(function() { let a = Math.abs(s - parseInt(t(this).data(e))); a < o && (o = a, i = this) }), i && !i.jquery ? t(i) : i } , XF.Click.register("element-value-setter", "XF.ElementValueSetter"), t(s).trigger("jquery:rtc-plugins-loaded"), Object.freeze({ __proto__: null }); let m = ()=>{} ; function g() { let t = { isFulfilled: !1, isRejected: !1, notify() {}, notifyAll(...e) { t.lastNotify = e, t.listeners.forEach(t=>t(...e)) }, listeners: [], addNotifyListener(e) { t.lastNotify && e(...t.lastNotify), t.listeners.push(e) } } , e = new Promise((s,i)=>{ t.resolve = t=>{ e.isFulfilled || e.isRejected || (e.isFulfilled = !0, s(t)) } , t.reject = (...t)=>{ e.isRejected || e.isFulfilled || (e.isRejected = !0, i(...t)) } } ); return e.catch(m).finally(()=>{ e.notify = e.notifyAll = e.lastNotify = null, e.listeners.length = 0, e.cancel && (e.cancel = m) } ), Object.assign(e, t), e } Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, deferredPromise: g }); let u, p; function f(t) { u ? u.push(t) : (u = [t], requestAnimationFrame(()=>{ let t = u; u = void 0, t.forEach(t=>t()) } )) } function v() { return p || ((p = new Promise(t=>f(()=>t()))).then(()=>{ p = void 0 } ), p) } Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, fastRaf: f, fastRafPromise: v }); let b = new Map; function C(t) { $(t); let e = { isCancelled: !1, deferred: g() }; return b.set(t, e), e.deferred.then(()=>{ y(t) === e && b.delete(t) } ), e } function y(t) { return b.get(t) } function $(t) { let e = y(t); e && (e.isCancelled = !0, e.deferred.resolve()) } function T(t, e, s) { return s || (s = C(e)), f(()=>{ s.isCancelled || (t() ? T(t, e, s) : s.deferred.resolve()) } ), s.deferred } Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, animateSingle: T, cancelAnimationByKey: $, createAnimationInstance: C, getAnimationInstance: y }); class S { constructor(t) { this._constructor(t) } _constructor(t) { this.reuseResults = t, this.listeners = {}, this.listenerResults = {} } addEventListener(t, e, s) { (this.listeners[t] ??= []).push({ callback: e, options: s }), this.listenerResults.hasOwnProperty(t) && (e(...this.listenerResults[t]), s?.once) && this.listeners[t].pop() } addMultipleEventsListeners(t) { for (let e in t) this.addEventListener(e, t[e]) } removeEventListener(t, e, s) { this.listeners[t] && function(t, e) { let s = t.findIndex(e); -1 !== s && t.splice(s, 1)[0] }(this.listeners[t], t=>t.callback === e) } invokeListenerCallback(t, e, ...s) { let i, o; try { i = e.callback(...s) } catch (a) { o = a } if (e.options?.once && this.removeEventListener(t, e.callback), o) throw o; return i } _dispatchEvent(t, e, ...s) { this.reuseResults && (this.listenerResults[t] = s); let i = e && [] , o = this.listeners[t]; return o && o.slice().forEach(e=>{ if (-1 === o.findIndex(t=>t.callback === e.callback)) return; let a = this.invokeListenerCallback(t, e, ...s); i && i.push(a) } ), i } dispatchResultableEvent(t, ...e) { return this._dispatchEvent(t, !0, ...e) } dispatchEvent(t, ...e) { this._dispatchEvent(t, !1, ...e) } cleanup() { this.listeners = {}, this.listenerResults = {} } } let L = new S , E = "start" , k = !1 , x = g() , M = 0; function w(t) { return new Promise(e=>{ setTimeout(e, t) } ) } function I(t, e) { k || (x = g(), L.dispatchEvent(E), k = !0), ++M; let s = [void 0 !== e ? w(e) : void 0, t.finally(()=>{} )].filter(Boolean); performance.now(); let i = x; return Promise.race(s).then(()=>{ x !== i || x.isFulfilled || --M <= 0 && !x.isFulfilled && (k = !1, M = 0, L.dispatchEvent("end"), x.resolve()) } ), x } function A(t, e, s) { k && t(); let i = s ? s.add(L) : L.addEventListener.bind(L) , o = s ? s.removeManual.bind(s, L) : L.removeEventListener.bind(L); return i(E, t), i("end", e), ()=>{ o("end", e), o(E, t) } } x.resolve(), window.dispatchHeavyAnimationEvent = I, window.EventListenerBase = S, Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, EventListenerBase: S, dispatchHeavyAnimationEvent: I, pause: w, useHeavyAnimationCheck: A }); let _ = { Up: 1, Down: 2, Static: 3 }; function j(t) { if (t.margin ??= 0, t.maxDistance ??= 1500, t.axis ??= "y", 0 === t.forceDuration && (t.forceDirection = _.Static), t.forceDirection === _.Static) return t.forceDuration = 0, R(t); let e = v().then(()=>R(t)); return "y" === t.axis ? I(e) : e } function R(t) { var e; let {element: s, container: i, getNormalSize: o, getElementPosition: a, transitionFunction: n, axis: r, margin: l, position: h, forceDirection: d, maxDistance: c, forceDuration: m} = t; if (!(e = s)?.isConnected) return $(i), Promise.resolve(); let g = "y" === r ? "top" : "left", u = "y" === r ? "bottom" : "right", p = "y" === r ? "scrollTop" : "scrollLeft", f = s.getBoundingClientRect(), v = i.getBoundingClientRect ? i.getBoundingClientRect() : document.body.getBoundingClientRect(), b = f[g] - v[g], C = a ? a({ elementRect: f, containerRect: v, elementPosition: b }) : b, y = s["y" === r ? "scrollHeight" : "offsetWidth"], S = o ? o({ rect: v }) : v["y" === r ? "height" : "width"], L = i[p], E = i["y" === r ? "scrollHeight" : "scrollWidth"], k; switch (h) { case "start": k = C - l; break; case "end": k = f[u] - v[u] + l; break; case "nearest": case "center": if (y < S) k = C + y / 2 - S / 2; else { if (t.fallbackToElementStartWhenCentering && t.fallbackToElementStartWhenCentering !== s) return t.element = t.fallbackToElementStartWhenCentering, t.position = "start", R(t); k = C - l } } if (1 > Math.abs(k - (l || 0))) return $(i), Promise.resolve(); if ("y" === r && void 0 === d && (k > c ? (L = i.scrollTop += k - c, k = c) : k < -c && (L = i.scrollTop += k + c, k = -c)), k < 0) { let x = -L; k = Math.max(k, x) } else if (k > 0) { let M = E - (L + S); k = Math.min(k, M) } let w = i[p] + k , I = Math.abs(k) , A = m ?? 250 + I / 1500 * 350 , _ = Date.now() , j = n ?? (I < 500 ? U : H) , D = ()=>A ? Math.min((Date.now() - _) / A, 1) : 1 , P = ()=>{ let t = D() , e = j(t) , s = k * (1 - e); return i[p] = Math.round(w - s), t < 1 } ; if (!A || !k) return $(i), P(), Promise.resolve(); if (t.startCallback) { let B = E - Math.round(w + i["y" === r ? "offsetHeight" : "offsetWidth"]); t.startCallback({ scrollSize: E, scrollPosition: L, distanceToEnd: B, path: k, duration: A, containerRect: v, elementRect: f, getProgress: D }) } return T(P, i) } function H(t) { return 1 - (1 - t) ** 5 } function U(t) { return 1 - (1 - t) ** 3.5 } window.FocusDirection = _, Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, FocusDirection: _, fastSmoothScroll: j }), window.ListenerSetter = class { constructor() { this.listeners = new Set } add(t) { return (e,s,i)=>{ let o = { element: t, event: e, callback: s, options: i }; return this.addManual(o), o } } addManual(t) { t.element.addEventListener(t.event, t.callback, t.options), t.options?.once && (t.onceCallback = ()=>{ this.remove(t), t.onceFired = !0 } , t.element.addEventListener(t.event, t.onceCallback, t.options)), this.listeners.add(t) } remove(t) { t.onceFired || (t.element.removeEventListener(t.event, t.callback, t.options), t.onceCallback && t.element.removeEventListener(t.event, t.onceCallback, t.options)), this.listeners.delete(t) } removeManual(t, e, s, i) { let o; for (let a of this.listeners) if (a.element === t && a.event === e && a.callback === s && a.options === i) { o = a; break } o && this.remove(o) } removeAll() { this.listeners.forEach(t=>{ this.remove(t) } ) } } , Object.freeze({ __proto__: null }), function(t, e, s) { let i = "ontouchstart"in e || e.DocumentTouch && s instanceof DocumentTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousemove"; e.idleController = new class { constructor() { this._isIdle = !0, this.focusPromise = Promise.resolve(), this.focusResolve = ()=>{} , e.addEventListener("blur", ()=>{ this.isIdle = !0, e.addEventListener("focus", ()=>{ this.isIdle = !1 } , { once: !0 }) } ), e.addEventListener(i, ()=>{ this.isIdle = !1 } , { once: !0, passive: !0 }), this.eventListeners = { change: [] } } getFocusPromise() { return this.focusPromise } get isIdle() { return this._isIdle } set isIdle(t) { this._isIdle !== t && (this._isIdle = t, this.dispatchEvent("change", t)) } addEventListener(t, e) { t in this.eventListeners || (this.eventListeners[t] = []), this.eventListeners[t].push(e) } removeEventListener(t, e) { if (t in this.eventListeners) { let s = this.eventListeners[t].indexOf(e); -1 !== s && this.eventListeners[t].splice(s, 1) } } dispatchEvent(t, ...e) { t in this.eventListeners && this.eventListeners[t].forEach(t=>{ t(...e) } ) } } }(jQuery, window, document), Object.freeze({ __proto__: null }); class D { constructor(t=document.createElement("div")) { this.container = t, this.onScrollMeasure = 0, this.lastScrollPosition = 0, this.lastScrollDirection = 0, this.isHeavyAnimationInProgress = !1, this.needCheckAfterAnimation = !1, this.scrollProperty = "scrollTop", this.addedScrollListener = !1 } addScrollListener() { this.addedScrollListener || (this.addedScrollListener = !0, this.container.addEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll, { passive: !0, capture: !0 })) } removeScrollListener() { this.addedScrollListener && (this.addedScrollListener = !1, this.container.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll, { capture: !0 })) } setListeners() { this.removeHeavyAnimationListener || (window.addEventListener("resize", this.onScroll, { passive: !0 }), this.addScrollListener(), this.removeHeavyAnimationListener = A(()=>{ this.isHeavyAnimationInProgress = !0, this.onScrollMeasure && (this.cancelMeasure(), this.needCheckAfterAnimation = !0) } , ()=>{ this.isHeavyAnimationInProgress = !1, this.needCheckAfterAnimation && (this.onScroll(), this.needCheckAfterAnimation = !1) } )) } removeListeners() { this.removeHeavyAnimationListener && (window.removeEventListener("resize", this.onScroll), this.removeScrollListener(), this.removeHeavyAnimationListener(), this.removeHeavyAnimationListener = void 0) } destroy() { this.removeListeners(), this.onAdditionalScroll = void 0, this.onScrolledTop = void 0, this.onScrolledBottom = void 0 } append(...t) { this.container.append(...t) } scrollIntoViewNew(t) { return j({ ...t, container: this.container }) } onScroll = ()=>{ if (this.isHeavyAnimationInProgress) return this.cancelMeasure(), void (this.needCheckAfterAnimation = !0); (this.onScrolledTop || this.onScrolledBottom || this.splitUp || this.onAdditionalScroll) && (this.onScrollMeasure || (this.onScrollMeasure = window.setTimeout(()=>{ this.onScrollMeasure = 0; let t = this.container[this.scrollProperty]; this.lastScrollDirection = this.lastScrollPosition === t ? 0 : this.lastScrollPosition < t ? 1 : -1, this.lastScrollPosition = t, this.onAdditionalScroll && this.onAdditionalScroll(), this.checkForTriggers && this.checkForTriggers() } , 24))) } ; cancelMeasure() { this.onScrollMeasure && (clearTimeout(this.onScrollMeasure), this.onScrollMeasure = 0) } } window.Scrollable = class extends D { constructor(t, e=300, s) { super(t), this.onScrollOffset = e, this.loadedAll = { top: !0, bottom: !1 }, this.container.classList.add("scrollable-y"), this.setListeners(), this.scrollProperty = "scrollTop" } attachBorderListeners(t=this.container) { let e = this.onAdditionalScroll; this.onAdditionalScroll = ()=>{ e?.(), t.classList.toggle("scrolled-top", !this.scrollTop), t.classList.toggle("scrolled-bottom", this.isScrolledDown) } , t.classList.add("scrolled-top", "scrolled-bottom", "scrollable-y-bordered") } setVirtualContainer(t) { this.splitUp = t } checkForTriggers = ()=>{ if (!this.onScrolledTop && !this.onScrolledBottom) return; if (this.isHeavyAnimationInProgress) return void this.onScroll(); let t = this.container.scrollHeight; if (!t) return; let e = t - this.container.clientHeight , s = this.lastScrollPosition; this.onScrolledTop && s <= this.onScrollOffset && this.lastScrollDirection <= 0 && this.onScrolledTop(), this.onScrolledBottom && e - s <= this.onScrollOffset && this.lastScrollDirection >= 0 && this.onScrolledBottom() } ; prepend(...t) { (this.splitUp || this.padding || this.container).prepend(...t) } append(...t) { (this.splitUp || this.padding || this.container).append(...t) } getDistanceToEnd() { return this.scrollHeight - Math.round(this.scrollTop + this.container.offsetHeight) } get isScrolledDown() { return 1 >= this.getDistanceToEnd() } set scrollTop(t) { this.container.scrollTop = t } get scrollTop() { return this.container.scrollTop } setScrollTopSilently(t) { this.lastScrollPosition = t, this.ignoreNextScrollEvent(), this.scrollTop = t } ignoreNextScrollEvent() { this.removeHeavyAnimationListener && (this.removeScrollListener(), this.container.addEventListener("scroll", t=>{ (function(t) { if (t ||= window.event) { t = t.originalEvent || t; try { t.stopPropagation && t.stopPropagation(), t.preventDefault && t.preventDefault(), t.returnValue = !1, t.cancelBubble = !0 } catch (e) {} } } )(t), this.addScrollListener() } , { capture: !0, passive: !1, once: !0 })) } get scrollHeight() { return this.container.scrollHeight } } , Object.freeze({ __proto__: null }), jQuery, o = window, a = document, o.EmbedLoadedObserver = class { loaded = { images: void 0, imgurs: void 0, unfurls: void 0 }; constructor(t, e) { this.container = t, this.loadedCallback = e, this.connect() } checkLoadedCallback() { this.isLoaded(["images", "imgurs", "unfurls"]) && this.loadedCallback?.() } isLoaded(t) { return Array.isArray(t) ? t.every(this.isLoaded.bind(this)) : [void 0, !0].includes(this.loaded[t]) } connect() { this.#a(), this.#b(), this.#c() } disconnect() { this.#d(), this.#e(), this.#f(), this.loaded = { images: void 0, imgurs: void 0, unfurls: void 0 }, this.loadedCallback = void 0 } #a() { if (this.images = this.container.querySelectorAll("img"), this.imagesCount = this.images.length, !this.imagesCount) return; this.loaded.images = !1; let t = 0; this.onImageLoaded = ()=>{ ++t >= this.imagesCount && (this.loaded.images = !0, this.checkLoadedCallback()) } , this.container.querySelectorAll("img").forEach(t=>{ t.addEventListener("load", this.onImageLoaded) } ) } #b() { if (this.imgurs = this.container.querySelectorAll("blockquote.imgur-embed-pub"), this.imgursCount = this.imgurs.length, !this.imgursCount) return; this.loaded.imgurs = !1; let e = 0; this.imgurs.forEach(t=>{ let s = t=>{ let s = new ResizeObserver(()=>{ e >= this.imgursCount && (this.loaded.imgurs = !0, this.checkLoadedCallback()), s.disconnect() } ); s.observe(t), ++e >= this.imgursCount && (this.loaded.imgurs = !0, this.checkLoadedCallback()) } , i = ()=>{ let e = a.getElementById("imgur-embed-iframe-pub-" + t.dataset.id.replace("/", "-")); e && e.addEventListener("load", ()=>{ s(e) } ) } , o = ()=>{ setTimeout(i, 0), t.removeEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved", o) } ; t.addEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved", o) } ) } #c() { if (this.unfurls = this.container.querySelectorAll(".js-unfurl"), this.unfurlsCount = this.unfurls.length, !this.unfurlsCount) return; this.loaded.unfurls = !1, this.unfurlObserver?.disconnect(); let s = 0; this.unfurlObserver = new MutationObserver(()=>{ ++s >= this.unfurlsCount && (this.loaded.unfurls = !0, this.checkLoadedCallback()) } ), this.unfurls.forEach(t=>{ if ("false" === t.dataset.pending && ++s >= this.unfurlsCount) return this.loaded.unfurls = !0, void this.checkLoadedCallback(); this.unfurlObserver.observe(t, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }) } ) } #d() { this.imagesCount && this.images.forEach(t=>{ t.removeEventListener("load", this.onImageLoaded) } ) } #e() {} #f() { this.unfurlsCount && this.unfurlObserver.disconnect() } } , Object.freeze({ __proto__: null }), window.StickyIntersector = class { constructor(t, e) { this.container = t, this.handler = e, this.headersObserver = null, this.elementsObserver = null, this.observeHeaders(), this.observeElements() } observeHeaders() { this.headersObserver = new IntersectionObserver(t=>{ for (let e of t) { let s = e.boundingClientRect , i = e.target.parentElement , o = e.rootBounds; s.bottom < o.top && this.handler(!0, i), s.bottom >= o.top && s.bottom < o.bottom && this.handler(!1, i) } } ,{ threshold: 0, root: this.container }) } observeElements() { this.elementsObserver = new IntersectionObserver(t=>{ let e = t.filter(t=>t.boundingClientRect.top < t.rootBounds.top).sort((t,e)=>t.boundingClientRect.top - e.boundingClientRect.top)[0]; if (!e) return; let s = e.isIntersecting ? e.target : e.target.nextElementSibling; !s && e.target && (s = e.target), this.handler(!0, s) } ,{ root: this.container }) } addSentinel(t, e) { let s = document.createElement("div"); return s.classList.add("sticky_sentinel", e), t.appendChild(s) } observeStickyHeaderChanges(t) { let e = this.addSentinel(t, "sticky_sentinel--top"); this.headersObserver.observe(e), this.elementsObserver.observe(t) } disconnect() { this.headersObserver.disconnect(), this.elementsObserver.disconnect() } unobserve(t, e) { this.elementsObserver.unobserve(t), this.headersObserver.unobserve(e) } } , Object.freeze({ __proto__: null }), function(t, e, s) { let i = (t,e)=>Math.floor(Math.random() * (e - t + 1)) + t; e.ChatMessages = class { constructor(e, s, i) { this.chat = e, this.container = s, this.$container = t(s), this.$topLoader = i.$topLoader, this.$bottomLoader = i.$bottomLoader, this.grouper = new class e { constructor(t) { this.messages = t, this.container = t.container, this.$container = t.$container } group() { let e = this.messages.find(); if (!e.length) return; let s = t("
"); e = e.clone(), s.append(e); let i = []; e.each((e,s)=>{ let o = t(s); this.#g(o, "day") || i.push({ day: o.data("day"), dayTs: o.data("dayTs"), data: this.#h(o) }) } ), this.introducedDateGroups && this.updateUserGroupPositions(i), this.#i(i), this.introducedDateGroups = i, this.clearEmptyDateGroups() } #i(s) { s.forEach(t=>{ let {day: e, dayTs: s} = t , i = t.data , o = this.#j(e, s); for (let a = 0; a < i.length; a++) { let {messageIds: n, position: r} = i[a]; this.#k(o, n, r) } } ), this.container.classList.add("was-grouped") } clearEmptyDateGroups() { this.$container.find(".messages-group--day").each((e,s)=>{ let i = t(s); i.find(".js-message").length || i.remove() } ) } #j(i, o) { let a = this.$container.find(`.messages-group--day[data-day-ts="${o}"]`); if (!a.length) { a = this.#l({ title: i }).addClass("messages-group--day").attr("data-day", i).attr("data-day-ts", o).data("day", i).data("dayTs", o); let n = this.$container.find(".messages-group--day").filter((e,s)=>t(s).data("dayTs") > o).first(); n.length ? a.insertBefore(n.first()) : a.appendTo(this.$container), this.messages.stickyIntersector?.observeStickyHeaderChanges(a[0]) } return a } #h(r) { let l = [] , h = this.#m(r, "day"); h.push(r[0]), h.each((e,s)=>{ if (this.#g(t(s), ["day", "user-id"])) return; let i = []; this.#m(t(s), ["day", "user-id"]).each((e,s)=>{ i.push(t(s).data("message-id")) } ), i.push(t(s).data("message-id")), l.push({ messageIds: i }) } ); for (let d = 0; d < l.length; d++) l[d].position = l.length - 1 - d; return l } #k(c, m, g) { let u = this.messages.find({ messageIds: m }).filter((e,s)=>!t(s).closest(".messages-group").length) , p = u.first().data("userId"); if (!u.length) return null; let f = this.findUserGroups(c.data("dayTs"), g, p); if (0 === g && f.length && !f.is(":last-child") && (f = t()), !f.length) { f = this.#l({ $icon: u.last().find(".content-icon"), $messages: u }).addClass("messages-group--user").attr("data-user-id", p).attr("data-position", g).data("userId", p).data("position", g); let v = this.findUserGroups(c.data("dayTs")).filter((e,s)=>t(s).data("position") < g).findClosestElement("position", g); return v.length ? f.insertBefore(v) : f.appendTo(c), f } let b = f.find(".messages-group-messages"); return u.reverse().each((e,s)=>{ let i = t(s); i.data("message-date") < b.find(".js-message").first().data("message-date") ? i.prependTo(b) : i.appendTo(b) } ), f } updateUserGroupPositions(t) { t.forEach(t=>{ let e = this.introducedDateGroups.find(e=>e.dayTs === t.dayTs); if (!e) return; let s = e.data; [...t.data].forEach(t=>{ let i = s.find(e=>t.messageIds.some(t=>e.messageIds.includes(t))); i && this.findUserGroups(e.dayTs, i.position).attr("data-position", t.position).data("position", t.position) } ) } ) } findDateGroup(t) { return this.$container.find(`.messages-group--day[data-day-ts="${t}"]`) } findUserGroups(t, e=null, s=null) { let i = ".messages-group--user"; return null !== e && (i += `[data-position="${e}"]`), null !== s && (i += `[data-user-id="${s}"]`), this.findDateGroup(t).find(i) } #l(C) { C = Object.assign({ ids: [], title: null, $icon: null, $messages: null }, C); let {$icon: y, title: $} = C , T = t('
'); if (y?.length && T.append(y.clone().addClass("group-content-icon")), $) { let S = this.messages.create("notification", $).addClass("messages-group-title"); T.append(S) } if (XF.activate(T), C.$messages?.length) { let L = t('
'); L.append(C.$messages), T.append(L) } return T } #m(E, k) { let x = E.prev(".js-message"); return x.length ? (Array.isArray(k) || (k = [k]), k.every(t=>x.data(t) === E.data(t)) ? x.add(this.#m(x, k)) : t()) : t() } #g(M, w) { let I = M.next(".js-message"); return !!I.length && (Array.isArray(w) || (w = [w]), w.every(t=>I.data(t) === M.data(t))) } } (this), this.templates = i.templates || {}, this.historyUrl = i.historyUrl, this.markSeenUrl = i.markSeenUrl, this.scrollableContainer = i.scrollableContainer, this.listenerSetter = new ListenerSetter, this.#n(), this.#o(), this.#p(), this.#q(), this.#r() } refresh() { this.loadHistory({ ...this.getFilterFromQuery(), withListInfo: !0 }, { fullReplace: !0, withLoadingAnimation: !0, forceScrollBottom: !0, onLoaded: ({hasBefore: t, hasAfter: e})=>{ this.setLoaded("top", !t), this.setLoaded("bottom", !e), this.removeFilterFromQuery() } , afterInsert: ()=>{ this.chat.visible && this.markUnreadSeen() } }) } update(t) { this.loadHistory({ from_date: this.chat.getLatestMessageDate() }, { forceScrollBottom: !1, afterInsert: e=>{ t?.(e), this.chat.visible && setTimeout(()=>{ this.markUnreadSeen() } , i(100, 1500)), this.crop() } }) } empty() { this.$container.empty() } loadHistoryTop(t) { let e = this.find().first(); if (!e.length) return; let s = { end_message_id: e.data("message-id"), withListInfo: !0 }; this.loadHistory(s, Object.assign({ prepend: !0, withScrollBottom: !1, forceScrollBottom: !1, withLoadingAnimation: !0, onLoaded: ({hasBefore: t})=>{ this.setLoaded("top", !t) } , afterInsert: ()=>{ this.scrollTo(e, "start", !0, !0) } }, t)) } loadHistoryBottom(t) { let e = this.find().last(); if (!e.length) return; let s = { start_message_id: e.data("message-id"), withListInfo: !0 }; this.loadHistory(s, Object.assign({ withScrollBottom: !1, forceScrollBottom: !1, withLoadingAnimation: !0, onLoaded: ({hasAfter: t})=>{ this.setLoaded("bottom", !t) } }, t)) } loadHistory(e, s) { if (e ??= {}, s = t.extend({ prepend: !1, fullReplace: !1, withLoadingAnimation: !1, withScrollBottom: !0, forceScrollBottom: !0, insertCallback: null, onLoaded: null, afterInsert: null, ignoreLoading: !1, updateLatestMessageDate: !0, regroup: !0 }, s), this.loading && !s.ignoreLoading) return new Promise((t,e)=>{ t() } ); if (!this.chat.roomTag) return new Promise((t,e)=>{ t() } ); s.forceScrollBottom && (s.withScrollBottom = !0); let i = "top" == (s.prepend ? "top" : "bottom") ? this.$topLoader : this.$bottomLoader; s.withLoadingAnimation && this.chat.enableLoadingAnimation(i), this.loading = !0; let o = this.chat.fillDefaultsInUrl(this.historyUrl) , a = ()=>{ s.withLoadingAnimation && this.chat.disableLoadingAnimation(i), this.loading = !1 } ; return XF.ajax("GET", o, { filter: e }, e=>{ s.onLoaded && s.onLoaded(e); let {html: i, latestMessageDate: o} = e; if (!s.prepend && s.updateLatestMessageDate && o && this.chat.setLatestMessageDate(o), !i) return a(), void s.afterInsert?.({ $html: t(), response: e }); let n = s.insertCallback ?? (({$html: t, processingOptions: e})=>{ let s = this.$container; e.fullReplace && s.empty(); let i = this.scrollableContainer.classList.contains("scrolled-down"); t && (this.addReactionMediumClassToReactionSprites(t), s[e.prepend ? "prepend" : "append"](t)), e.withScrollBottom && !this.focusHighlight() && (i || e.forceScrollBottom) && this.scrollToBottomAfterEmbedLoaded(e.forceScrollBottom ? _.Static : _.Down), e.regroup && this.group() } ); n = n.bind(this); let r = t=>{ n({ $html: t, processingOptions: s, response: e }), a(), s.afterInsert?.({ $html: t, response: e }), this.setHighlightRemoveTimeout() } ; i.content.length ? XF.setupHtmlInsert(i, t=>{ r(t), this.chat.addRtcIdToXfPopups() } ) : r(t()) } , { global: !1 }) } reload(t, e) { let s = this.find({ messageId: t }); if (!s.length) return; let i = s.outerHeight(); this.loadHistory({ message_id: t }, { ignoreLoading: !0, forceScrollBottom: !1, updateLatestMessageDate: !1, regroup: !1, insertCallback: ({$html: t})=>{ let e = this.scrollable.scrollTop; this.addReactionMediumClassToReactionSprites(t), s.closeXfTooltips(), s.replaceWith(t), s = t, XF.activate(s); let o = s.outerHeight(); this.scrollable.ignoreNextScrollEvent(), this.scrollable.scrollTop = e + Math.round(o - i) } , afterInsert() { e?.(s) } }) } setLoaded(t, e) { this.scrollable.loadedAll[t] !== e && (this.scrollable.loadedAll[t] = e, this.scrollable.onScroll()) } updateVisitorMessagesReadStatus() { this.find({ visitor: !0, beforeDate: this.chat.lastReadDate }).toggleClass("has-been-read", !0) } markUnreadSeen() { let e = this.find({ unread: !0, visitor: !1 }); e.length && this.markSeen(e.map((e,s)=>t(s).data("message-id")).get(), ()=>{ e.removeClass("is-unread") } ) } __seenMessageIds = new Set; seenPromise = void 0; markSeen(t, s) { this.markSeenUrl && this.chat.roomTag && t.length && (t.forEach(t=>this.__seenMessageIds.add(t)), this.seenPromise || (this.seenPromise = e.idleController.getFocusPromise().then(()=>{ this.__seenMessageIds.size && XF.ajax("POST", this.chat.fillDefaultsInUrl(this.markSeenUrl), { ids: [...this.__seenMessageIds] }, ()=>{ this.chat.triggerEvent("messages-seen", { ids: [...this.__seenMessageIds] }), this.chat.rooms.modifyUnreadCount(this.chat.roomTag, -this.__seenMessageIds.size), s?.(), this.__seenMessageIds.clear(), this.seenPromise = void 0 } , { global: !1, skipDefaultSuccess: !0, skipDefaultSuccessError: !0 }) } ))) } addReactionMediumClassToReactionSprites(t) { t.find(".reactionSummary .reaction").addClass("reaction--medium") } setHighlightRemoveTimeout() { let t = this.find({ highlighted: !0 }); setTimeout(()=>{ t.removeClass("is-highlight") } , 1500) } focusHighlight() { let t = this.find({ highlighted: !0 }).first(); return !!t.length && (this.scrollToAfterEmbedLoaded(t, "center", _.Static), !0) } group() { let t = this.container.scrollTop; this.grouper.group(), this.container.scrollTop = t } goTo(t) { let e = this.find({ messageId: t }) , s = ()=>{ e.length && this.scrollTo(e, "center").then(()=>{ this.setHighlightRemoveTimeout() } ) } ; e.length ? (e.addClass("is-highlight"), s()) : this.loadHistory({ around_message_id: t, withListInfo: !0 }, { fullReplace: !0, withLoadingAnimation: !0, withScrollBottom: !1, forceScrollBottom: !1, onLoaded: ({hasBefore: t, hasAfter: e})=>{ this.setLoaded("top", !t), this.setLoaded("bottom", !e), this.chat.$latestMessageDate.val(0) } , afterInsert: ()=>{ e = this.find({ messageId: t }), s() } }) } scrollTo(t, e, s, i) { if (!t?.length || !t[0].parentElement) return; let o; if (t && "end" !== e) { let a = t.closest(".messages-group--day"); a.length && (o = a[0]) } let n = this.scrollable.scrollIntoViewNew({ element: t[0], position: e, margin: 4, forceDirection: s, forceDuration: i, axis: "y", fallbackToElementStartWhenCentering: o, startCallback: t=>{ this.onScroll(!0, t) } }); return s === _.Static && (this.scrollable.lastScrollPosition = this.scrollable.scrollTop), n } scrollToAfterEmbedLoaded(t, e, s, i) { this.embedLoadedObserver?.disconnect(), this.scrollTo(t, e, s, i), this.embedLoadedObserver = new EmbedLoadedObserver(this.container,()=>{ this.scrollTo(t, e, s, i) } ) } scrollToBottom(t, e) { this.scrollTo(this.find().last(), "end", t, e) } scrollToBottomAfterEmbedLoaded(t, e) { this.scrollToAfterEmbedLoaded(this.find().last(), "end", t, e) } add(t) { this.$container.append(t), this.group() } find(e) { let s = ".js-message"; null !== (e = Object.assign({ beforeDate: null, messageId: null, messageIds: [], exceptMessageIds: [], userId: null, highlighted: null, unread: null, visitor: null }, e)).highlighted && (s += e.highlighted ? ".is-highlight" : ":not(.is-highlight)"), null !== e.unread && (s += e.unread ? ".is-unread" : ":not(.is-unread)"), e.messageId && (s += '[data-message-id="' + e.messageId + '"]'), e.messageIds.length && (s += '[data-message-id="' + e.messageIds.join('"], .js-message[data-message-id="') + '"]'), e.exceptMessageIds.length && (s += ':not([data-message-id="' + e.exceptMessageIds.join('"]):not([data-message-id="') + '"])'), null !== e.visitor && (s += e.visitor ? ".is-visitor" : ":not(.is-visitor)"), null !== e.userId && (s += '[data-user-id="' + e.userId + '"]'); let i = this.$container.find(s); return e.beforeDate && (i = i.filter((s,i)=>t(i).data("message-date") <= e.beforeDate)), i } crop(e, s) { if (e ??= 200, !s && !this.scrollableContainer.classList.contains("scrolled-down")) return; let i = this.find(); if (i.length <= e) return; let o = i.slice(0, i.length - e).map((e,s)=>t(s).data("message-id")).get(); this.remove({ messageIds: o }), this.setLoaded("top", !1) } remove(t) { let e = this.find(t); e?.length && (e.addClass("is-removing"), setTimeout(()=>{ e.remove(), e.filter(":last-child").length && this.scrollTo(e.filter(":last-child"), "end"), this.group() } , 250)) } create(e, s) { if (this.templates[e]) return t(t.parseHTML(Mustache.render(this.templates[e], { text: s }))) } insertSending(e, s) { e = `
`, s?.html()?.trim()?.length && (s.addClass("attachmentList"), e = `
${e}`); let i = new Date , o = { id: "sending" + i.getTime(), text: e, time: i.toLocaleTimeString([], { hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit" }) } , a = t(t.parseHTML(Mustache.render(this.templates.bubble, o))); return a.addClass("is-sending"), XF.activate(a), this.add(a), a } filterKnownKeys = ["from_date", "message_id", "around_message_id", "start_message_id", "end_message_id", "page"]; getFilterFromQuery() { return this.chat.getFilterFromQuery(this.filterKnownKeys) } removeFilterFromQuery() { this.chat.removeFilterFromQuery(this.filterKnownKeys) } #o() { this.scrollable = new Scrollable(this.scrollableContainer), this.scrollable.onAdditionalScroll = this.onScroll.bind(this), this.scrollable.onScrolledTop = ()=>!this.scrollable.loadedAll.top && this.loadHistoryTop(), this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = ()=>!this.scrollable.loadedAll.bottom && this.loadHistoryBottom() } onScroll(t, s, i) { if (s && s.distanceToEnd < 300 && this.scrollableContainer.classList.contains("scrolled-down")) return; let o = i ? 0 : s?.distanceToEnd ?? this.scrollable.getDistanceToEnd(); (0 !== this.scrollable.lastScrollDirection && o > 0 || s || i) && (this.isScrollingTimeout ? clearTimeout(this.isScrollingTimeout) : this.scrollableContainer.classList.contains("is-scrolling") || this.scrollableContainer.classList.add("is-scrolling"), this.isScrollingTimeout = e.setTimeout(()=>{ this.scrollableContainer.classList.remove("is-scrolling"), this.isScrollingTimeout = 0 } , 1350 + (s?.duration ?? 0))), o < 300 && (i || this.scrollable.loadedAll.bottom) ? this.scrollableContainer.classList.add("scrolled-down") : this.scrollableContainer.classList.contains("scrolled-down") && this.scrollableContainer.classList.remove("scrolled-down") } #n() { this.stickyIntersector = new StickyIntersector(this.scrollableContainer,(t,e)=>{ this.isHeavyAnimationInProgress, e.classList.toggle("has-sticky-dates", t), t && (this.previousStickyGroup && this.previousStickyGroup !== e && this.previousStickyGroup.classList.remove("has-sticky-dates"), this.previousStickyGroup = e) } ), A(()=>{ this.isHeavyAnimationInProgress = !0 } , ()=>{ this.isHeavyAnimationInProgress = !1 } , this.listenerSetter) } #p() { let s = XF.proxy(this, "openContextMenu"); this.$container.on("contextmenu", ".js-message .js-messageContext", e=>{ !e.isDefaultPrevented() && (t(e.target).is("a,input,select,textarea,button") || s(e)) } ), this.chat.isMobileDevice() && this.$container.on("click", ".js-message .js-messageContext", e=>{ if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return; let i = t(e.target) , o = i.is("a,input,select,textarea,button") , a = i.closest("label").length , n = void 0 !== i.attr("data-xf-click"); o || a || n || s(e) } ) } openContextMenu(e) { let s = t(e.target); if (s.is("a") || s.closest("a").length) return; let i = !1; if (t(".js-messageMenu").each((e,s)=>{ let o = t(s); o.is(":visible") && (i = !0, o.trigger("menu:close")) } ), i) return; e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); let o = t(e.currentTarget).closest(".js-message").data("message-id"); if (!t("#js-rtcMessageMenu-" + o).html().trim().length) return; let a = t('').css({ position: "absolute", top: e.pageY + "px", left: e.pageX + "px" }); a.on("menu:closed", ()=>{ a.remove() } ), a.appendTo("body"), XF.activate(a); let n = XF.Click.getElementHandler(a, "menu"); n && n.toggle(XF.isEventTouchTriggered(e)) } #q() { this.$container.on("click", `*[data-xf-click="attribution"][data-content-selector*="#${this.chat.options.goToPrefix}"]`, e=>{ e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(); let s = parseInt(t(e.currentTarget).attr("data-content-selector").replace(`#${this.chat.options.goToPrefix}-`, ""), 10); this.goTo(s) } ) } #r() { this.$container.on("lightbox:init", ".js-lbContainer", (t,e,s)=>{ s.$refs.container.addClass("rtc-lightbox") } ) } } }(jQuery, window), Object.freeze({ __proto__: null }); let P = ()=>window.innerWidth < 925; !function(t, e, s) { class i { constructor(t, e, s) { this.chat = t, this.$button = e, this.$form = s, e.length && s.length && this.#s() } toggleForm(t) { this.slideMenu.toggle(t) } isFormActive() { return !!this.slideMenu?.isOpen() } #s() { this.slideMenu = XF.Click.getElementHandler(this.$button, "rtc-toggle-slide-menu"), this.$button.on("slide-menu:toggle", (t,e)=>{ this.$form.toggleClass("is-active", e), e && this.chat.toggleLeftColumn(!0) } ) } } e.ChatRooms = class { constructor(e, s, i) { this.chat = e, this.container = s, this.$container = t(s), this.$menu = i.$menu, this.$items = i.$items, this.$placeholder = i.$placeholder, this.$topLoader = i.$topLoader, this.$bottomLoader = i.$bottomLoader, this.historyUrl = i.historyUrl, this.scrollableContainer = i.scrollableContainer, this.opts = i, this.#o(), this.reload = t.throttleByKey(XF.proxy(this, "reload"), 400), this.#t(), this.#u() } #t() { this.$items.on("click", ".js-room", e=>{ this.loading || this.chat.messages.loading || t(e.target).is("a,input,select,textarea,button") || t(e.target).closest("label").length || this.open(t(e.currentTarget)) } ), this.chat.$target.on("click", ".js-resetRoom", XF.proxy(this, "reset")) } #u() { let s = this.opts.$createButton , o = this.opts.$createForm; this.creator = new i(this.chat,s,o), o.on("ajax-submit:before", ()=>{ this.selectNextNew = !0 } ), o.on("ajax-submit:complete", (t,e)=>{ e.errors && (this.selectNextNew = !1) } ) } refresh(e, s) { return s = t.extend({}, s, this.getFilterFromQuery()), this.loadHistory({ ...s, withListInfo: !0 }, { fullReplace: !0, withLoadingAnimation: !0, prepend: !0, onLoaded: ({hasBefore: t, hasAfter: e, html: s})=>{ this.setLoaded("top", !t), this.setLoaded("bottom", !e), this.removeFilterFromQuery() } , afterInsert: ({response: t})=>{ t.latestRoomDate && this.chat.$latestRoomDate.val(t.latestRoomDate), e && e(t), this.chat.triggerEvent("rooms-refreshed"), setTimeout(()=>{ this.scrollable.loadedAll.top || this.loadHistoryTop(), this.scrollable.loadedAll.bottom || this.loadHistoryBottom() } , 100) } }) } reload(t) { this.loadHistory({ tag: t }, { ignoreLoading: !0, insertCallback: ({$html: e})=>{ let s = this.find({ tag: t }) , i = s.hasClass("selected"); if (s.closeXfTooltips(), s.replaceWith(e), XF.activate(s), i) { let o = this.find({ tag: t }); o.data("theme") && this.chat.updateTheme(o.data("theme")), this.chat.updateRoomHeader(o), this.chat.setCanPostMessage(!!o.data("canPostMessage")), o.addClass("selected") } this.chat.triggerEvent("room-reloaded", { tag: t }), this.sort() } }) } open(t) { if (["string", "number"].includes(typeof t) && (t = this.find(t)), !t.length) return !1; this.creator.isFormActive() && this.creator.toggleForm(!1); let s = t.data("roomTag").toString(); if (s === this.chat.roomTag) return !0; this.chat.triggerEvent("room-open", { roomTag: s }), t.data("historyUrl") && this.chat.options.pushHistory && e.history.pushState(null, null, t.data("historyUrl")), t.data("roomMenuHref") && this.$menu.data("href", t.data("roomMenuHref")), t.data("theme") && this.chat.updateTheme(t.data("theme")), t.data("draftUrl") ? (this.chat.quillEditor.options.draftUrl = t.data("draftUrl"), this.chat.quillEditor.loadDraft()) : this.chat.restoreAttachmentHash(), this.find().removeClass("selected"), t.addClass("selected"); let i = !!t.data("canPostMessage"); return this.chat.setCanPostMessage(i), this.chat.setRoomTag(s), this.chat.updateRoomHeader(t), (P() || this.chat.isCompact()) && this.chat.toggleLeftColumn(!1), this.chat.options.saveRoomInCookie && this.saveLast(s), this.chat.messages.setLoaded("top", !1), this.chat.messages.setLoaded("bottom", !1), !0 } reset() { this.chat.$target.hasClass("no-left-column") && this.chat.toggleLeftColumn(), this.chat.$header.removeClass("is-shown"), this.chat.$roomStatus.removeClass("is-typing"), this.chat.$typer.removeClass("is-active"), this.chat.messages.empty(), this.chat.$chatEditor.removeClass("is-shown"), this.find({ selected: !0 }).removeClass("selected"), this.chat.setRoomTag(null), this.chat.options.saveRoomInCookie && this.forgetLast() } saveLast(t) { XF.Cookie.set(this.chat.options.eventPrefix.toLowerCase() + "_last_chat_room", t) } forgetLast() { XF.Cookie.remove(this.chat.options.eventPrefix.toLowerCase() + "_last_chat_room") } restoreLast() { let t = XF.Cookie.get(this.chat.options.eventPrefix.toLowerCase() + "_last_chat_room"); if (t) { let e = this.find({ tag: t }); if (e.length) return this.open(e) && this.chat.triggerEvent("room-restored", { tag: t, $room: e }), !0 } return !1 } loadHistoryTop() { if (this.loading) return; let e = Math.max.apply(null, this.find({ pinned: !1 }).map((e,s)=>t(s).data("last-message"))); if (e <= 0) return; let s = this.find().first() , i = this.find({ pinned: !0 }).first() , o = { after_date: e, withListInfo: !0 }; i.length && (o.latest_pinned_date = i.data("last-message")), this.scrollable.ignoreNextScrollEvent(), this.loadHistory(o, { prepend: !0, withLoadingAnimation: !0, onLoaded: ({hasBefore: t})=>{ this.setLoaded("top", !t) } , afterInsert: ({$html: t})=>{ s.length && this.scrollTo(s, "start", FocusDirection.Static, !0) } }) } loadHistoryBottom() { if (this.loading) return; let t = { from_date: this.chat.$latestRoomDate.val(), withListInfo: !0 }; this.loadHistory(t, { prepend: !1, withScrollBottom: !1, withLoadingAnimation: !0, onLoaded: ({hasAfter: t})=>{ this.setLoaded("bottom", !t) } , afterInsert() {} }) } loadHistory(e, s) { if (e ??= {}, (s = t.extend({ prepend: !1, fullReplace: !1, withLoadingAnimation: !1, withScrollBottom: !1, forceScrollBottom: !1, insertCallback: null, prepareHtml: null, onLoaded: null, afterInsert: null, ignoreLoading: !1, sortRooms: !0 }, s)).forceScrollBottom && (s.withScrollBottom = !0), this.loading && !s.ignoreLoading) return; let i = s.prepend ? this.$topLoader : this.$bottomLoader; s.withLoadingAnimation && this.chat.enableLoadingAnimation(i), this.loading = !0; let o = ()=>{ s.withLoadingAnimation && this.chat.disableLoadingAnimation(i), this.loading = !1 } ; return XF.ajax("GET", this.historyUrl, { filter: e }, e=>{ s.onLoaded && s.onLoaded(e); let {html: i, latestRoomDate: a} = e; if (!s.prepend && a && this.chat.$latestRoomDate.val(a), !i || !i.content) return this.updatePlaceholder(), o(), void s.afterInsert?.({ $html: t(), response: e }); let n = s.insertCallback ?? (({$html: e, processingOptions: s})=>{ let i = e; s.fullReplace && this.empty(); let o = this.find(".js-room").map((e,s)=>t(s).data("roomTag")).get(); if (i = i.filter((e,s)=>!o.includes(t(s).data("roomTag"))), s.prepend) { let a = this.find({ pinned: !1 }).first(); a.length ? a.before(i) : this.add(i, !0) } else this.add(i); s.sortRooms && this.sort(), this.updatePlaceholder(), s.withScrollBottom && this.scrollToBottom({ force: s.forceScrollBottom }) } ); n = n.bind(this), XF.setupHtmlInsert(i, t=>{ s.prepareHtml?.(t), n({ $html: t, processingOptions: s, response: e }), o(), s.afterInsert?.({ $html: t, response: e }), this.chat.addRtcIdToXfPopups() } ), this.ensureSelected(this.chat.roomTag) } , { global: !1 }) } ensureSelected(t) { t && this.find(t)?.toggleClass("selected", !0) } setLoaded(t, e) { this.scrollable.loadedAll[t] !== e && (this.scrollable.loadedAll[t] = e, this.scrollable.onScroll()) } updatePlaceholder() { this.$placeholder.toggleClass("visible", !this.find().length) } updateLastMessage(t, e) { let s = this.find(t); s.length && (s.attr("data-last-message", e), s.data("last-message", e), this.sort()) } modifyUnreadCount(t, e) { let s = this.find(t); if (!s.length) return; let i = s.find(".js-unreadCountBadge") , o = parseInt(i.text(), 10) + e; o > 0 ? (i.text(o), i.removeClass("is-hidden")) : (i.text("0"), i.addClass("is-hidden")) } sort() { this.$items.sortByDataAttr('.js-room[data-pinned="1"]', "pin-order", "asc"), this.$items.sortByDataAttr('.js-room:not([data-pinned="1"])', "last-message", "desc") } empty() { this.$items.empty() } add(t, e) { e ? this.$items.prepend(t) : this.$items.append(t) } find(t) { ["string", "number"].includes(typeof t) && (t = { tag: t }); let e = ".js-room"; return (t = Object.assign({ tags: [], tag: null, pinned: null, selected: !1 }, t)).tag && (e += `[data-room-tag="${t.tag}"]`), t.tags.length && (e += '[data-room-tag="' + t.tags.join('"], .js-room[data-room-tag="') + '"]'), null !== t.pinned && (e += `[data-pinned="${t.pinned ? "1" : "0"}"]`), t.selected && (e += ".selected"), this.$items.find(e) } remove(t) { this.find(t).remove() } scrollTo(t, e, s, i) { if (!t[0].parentElement) return; let o = this.scrollable.scrollIntoViewNew({ element: t[0], position: e, margin: 4, forceDirection: s, forceDuration: i, axis: "y", fallbackToElementStartWhenCentering: void 0, startCallback(t) {} }); return s === FocusDirection.Static && (this.scrollable.lastScrollPosition = this.scrollable.scrollTop), o } scrollToBottom(t, e) { this.scrollTo(this.find().last(), "end", t, e) } #o() { this.scrollable = new Scrollable(this.scrollableContainer), this.scrollable.onScrolledTop = ()=>!this.scrollable.loadedAll.top && this.loadHistoryTop(), this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = ()=>!this.scrollable.loadedAll.bottom && this.loadHistoryBottom() } filterKnownKeys = ["after_date", "from_date", "around_room_tag"]; getFilterFromQuery() { return this.chat.getFilterFromQuery(this.filterKnownKeys) } removeFilterFromQuery() { this.chat.removeFilterFromQuery(this.filterKnownKeys) } get unreadCount() { return this.chat.roomTag ? parseInt(this.find(this.chat.roomTag).find(".js-unreadCountBadge").text(), 10) || 0 : this.$items.find(".js-unreadCountBadge").toArray().reduce((e,s)=>e + (parseInt(t(s).text(), 10) > 0 ? 1 : 0), 0) } } }(jQuery, window), Object.freeze({ __proto__: null }); let B = XF.Cookie.get("csrf") , F = !1; !function(t, e, s) { let i = ()=>{ let t = .01 * e.innerHeight; s.documentElement.style.setProperty("--vh", `${t}px`) } ; e.addEventListener("resize", i), i(), String.prototype.replaceTagsToValues = function(t) { let e = this; for (let s in t) e = e.replace(RegExp(`<${s}>`, "g"), t[s]); return e } , XF.Chat = XF.Element.newHandler({ options: { theme: {}, roomsUrl: "", roomUrl: "", markSeenUrl: "", messagesUrl: "", postUrl: "", typingUrl: "", editUrl: "", deleteUrl: "", reportUrl: "", audio: "", enabledAudio: !1, roomTag: "r/Public", roomChannelFormat: "ChatRoom.", chatChannel: "Chat", useChatChannel: !0, command: "", commandText: "", autoSelectRoom: !0, autoOpenCreateForm: !1, eventPrefix: "RTC", pushHistory: !0, saveRoomInCookie: !1, goToPrefix: "rtcMessage", sendTimeout: 0 }, roomChannel: null, visitorChannel: null, chatChannel: null, roomTag: "", lastReadDate: 0, command: "", pinCommand: !1, typingUsers: {}, clearanceTypingUsersTimeouts: {}, joinedMembersCount: 0, loadingRooms: !1, soundEnabled: !0, visible: !0, ignoreNextRoomsScrollEvent: !1, ignoreNewMessages: !1, isReceivedNewMessagesWhileIgnored: !1, ignoreNextSendTyping: !1, theme: null, init() { this.id = this.$target.xfUniqueId(), this.startLocation = Object.assign({}, e.location), this.theme = this.options.theme, this.bindChatUnmounted(), this.addRtcIdToXfPopups(), this.sendTypingStatus = t.throttle(XF.proxy(this, "sendTypingStatus"), 2500), this.$header = this.$target.find(".js-header"), this.$headerAvatar = this.$header.find(".js-headerAvatar"); let i = this.$target.find(".js-roomsList"); this.rooms = new ChatRooms(this,i[0],{ historyUrl: this.options.roomsUrl, $menu: this.$header.find(".js-roomMenu"), $createButton: this.$target.find(".js-createRoom"), $createForm: this.$target.find(".js-createRoomForm"), $items: i.find(".js-roomItems"), $topLoader: i.find(".js-loader-top"), $bottomLoader: i.find(".js-loader-bottom"), $placeholder: i.find(".js-roomsPlaceholder"), scrollableContainer: i.find(".js-scrollable")[0] }), this.$roomsList = this.$target.find(".js-roomsList"), this.$roomItems = this.$roomsList.find(".js-roomItems"), this.$roomLink = this.$target.find(".js-roomLink"), this.$roomName = this.$target.find(".js-roomName"), this.$latestRoomDate = this.$target.find('input[name="latest_room_date"]'), this.$connecting = this.$target.find(".js-connecting"), this.$wallpaper = this.$target.find(".js-wallpaper"), this.$wallpaperGradientCanvas = this.$wallpaper.find(".chat-canvas-gradient"), this.$wallpaperCanvasPattern = this.$wallpaper.find(".chat-canvas-pattern"), this.wallpaperGradientRenderer = XF.Element.getHandler(this.$wallpaperGradientCanvas, "chat-canvas-gradient"), this.wallpaperPatternRenderer = XF.Element.getHandler(this.$wallpaperCanvasPattern, "chat-canvas-pattern"), this.$target.on("click", ".js-toggleLeftColumn", t=>{ this.toggleLeftColumn() } ), this.$chatEditor = this.$target.find(".js-chatEditor"), this.$quillEditorTarget = this.$chatEditor.find(".js-quillEditor").on("xf-quill-editor:submit", XF.proxy(this, "postMessage")).on("xf-quill-editor:resize", (t,e,s)=>{ let i = e - s; i < 0 || (this.messages.scrollable.ignoreNextScrollEvent(), this.messages.scrollable.scrollTop = this.messages.scrollable.scrollTop + i) } ).on("xf-quill-editor:draft-loaded", (t,e)=>{ e.extra_data.attachment_hash ? this.loadAttachmentsFromDraft(e) : (this.clearAttachments(), this.restoreAttachmentHash()) } ).on("xf-quill-editor:upload-image", (t,e)=>{ this.uploadAttachment(e) } ), this.quillEditor = XF.Element.getHandler(this.$quillEditorTarget, "quill-editor"), this.attachmentManager = XF.Element.getHandler(this.$chatEditor, "attachment-manager"), this.$editMessage = this.$target.find(".js-editMessage"), this.$editMessage.on("click", ".js-cancelEditMessage", XF.proxy(this, "editMessageOff")), this.$editMessage.on("mousedown", "js-cancelEditMessage", t=>t=>t.preventDefault() && t.stopPropagation()), this.$messagesBlock = this.$target.find(".messages"), this.messages = new ChatMessages(this,this.$messagesBlock.find(".message-list-wrapper")[0],{ templates: { bubble: this.$target.find(".js-messageTemplate").html(), notification: this.$target.find(".js-notificationTemplate").html() }, historyUrl: this.options.messagesUrl, markSeenUrl: this.options.markSeenUrl, $topLoader: this.$messagesBlock.find(".js-loader-top"), $bottomLoader: this.$messagesBlock.find(".js-loader-bottom"), scrollableContainer: this.$messagesBlock.find(".js-scrollable")[0] }), this.$typer = this.$target.find(".js-typer"), this.$smilieBox = this.$chatEditor.find('.ql-button[data-xf-init="smilie-box"]'), this.$latestMessageDate = this.$target.find('input[name="latest_message_date"]'), this.$command = this.$target.find(".js-chatCommand"), this.$roomStatus = this.$target.find(".js-roomStatus"), this.options.audio && (this.$audio = t("